“This parish has a flourishing ministry of hospitality!”
We are a loving community in which people come to personal faith in Jesus Christ and worship him as Lord and Saviour.
We foster growth in understanding of the gospel, and opportunities to put this into practice through growth in holiness and practical service.
Prayer, Bible study and the Holy Spirit’s guidance
undergird all that we do.

For over 100 years Holy Trinity Anglican Church has proclaimed the gospel of reconciliation with God through his Son Jesus Christ.
We believe the whole of the Bible and do not try to explain it away but seek to expound it all and to apply it to the issues of real life.
If you are interested in Christianity, you will find:
Clear biblical preaching and teaching
Services that are accessible and engaging
A congregation of people who would like to get to know you
If you are a Christian looking for a church, you will find:
Practical biblical preaching and teaching
Opportunities to get actively involved
Time and attention from the Rector and other leaders

Inclusive Invitation
We welcome all people and seek to incorporate them into parish life, enabling them to hear and receive what God offers us through Jesus. Everyone has gifts and talents to contribute. Our building is also available for community groups.
Parishioners are encouraged to express their Christian belief and church involvement in their daily lives. We seek to develop confidence in personal evangelism. Our personal and corporate communication witnesses to Holy Trinity’s purpose and encourages exploration of this.
We facilitate connection between parishioners. After-service lunch and coffee hour are a feature of parish life. Periodic social events draw in Holy Trinity’s wider circle of affiliation. Film & Faith evenings are an example of combining fellowship with teaching.