Who’s Who
We are a passionate group of caring individuals who want to share God’s message
and be of service to our neighbours in the community.
Leadership Team
Interim Priest – Jim Ferguson
Rector’s Warden – David Quinton
Our 2nd in command. Outgoing, passionate about Holy Trinity, has been with HT since his late teens
People’s Warden – Michael Immaraju
Part of our musical team, caring, concerned for the well being of all our members, also a long time member of our parish.
Rector’s Assistant & Parish Administrator – Sharon Grove
Friendly, always available for chats, keeps our parish running solving problems for both our members and many building users.
Music Director – Michael Park
A very enthusiastic and talented leader, inspires the shyish of people to believe they can sing in the choir, and he composes music for parishioner’s poetry.
Our Parish Council - Is a body of parishioners elected annually by us, and as our representatives, they keep the church’s purpose at its core.