Getting to know Jesus Christ
Who am I?
A child loved by God.
What does Christianity offer?
Forgiveness and the prospect of eternal life in God’s presence along with others who have also believed in Jesus.

Christianity, as the name suggests, is all about getting to know Jesus Christ.
Christians believe that in Jesus, God displayed his love for us by coming to the world in person. Jesus lived the perfect life and was willing to be put to death on the cross for our sakes.
Scripture teaches that he rose from the grave three days later.
Let Us Pray
We believe that God speaks to us through His Word in the Bible and so we read it as individuals, in small groups and together in Church.
Every Church service has a sermon which seeks to explain God’s message in the Bible and help us to apply it to our lives. God loves to hear from us through prayer – our concerns and our thanks to him for what he has done and is doing for us.

Christianity is most readily understood through
personal experience and encounter.
The claims of Christianity are well worth investigating because if true they provide answer to life’s questions. Who am I? A child loved by God. What is offered? Forgiveness and the prospect of eternal life in God’s presence along with others who have also believed in Jesus.
By accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we receive the benefits of his death and are enabled to live a new life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
You and Us
The Church is a community of followers of Jesus who endeavor to live this new life together. In response to what God has done, we worship him by living transformed lives, seeking to put into practice Jesus’ command to love God and other people.
We remember the death of Jesus at Holy Communion and celebrate his resurrection at Easter and each time we meet together every Sunday.

If you would like to find out more about Christianity and life as part of the Church,
please contact us via email.